
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


My name is Andrew Carlburg, and I cannot wait for October to roll around! I am so excited to head out on World Race, join God in His global mission, watch amazing things be done in the name of Jesus, be led deeper into surrender and intimacy with the Lord, and see what He has in store for me!

A little bit about me: I grew up in Wheaton, Illinois. I moved to Indianapolis, Indiana in 2011 and graduated from Butler University in 2015. I have worked as an actuarial analyst for the past 5 years (basically I do a bunch of math and coding in excel and SQL). I love all things active and sports related. Soccer and baseball have played a massive role in my life. I love to travel. I love preaching/teaching the Gospel.

So to address the question that everyone has: Why am I going on World Race?

To read the real/full answer to that question, read my first blog! Yes, apparently I am a blogger now 🙂

It is an answer that is really hard to sum up in just a few words, but my short answer is this: God told me to. I met Jesus in 2010, and everything in my life got flipped on its head. My plans. My relationships. My future. All of it. Since graduating in 2015, I have felt the call to full-time missions. However, I always hid behind it being somewhere down the line. I was waiting for circumstances to line up. Over the course of a few months, the Lord made it crystal clear that those perfect circumstances are never going to come. He asked me if I was willing to lay down ALL of my life in surrender, not just the 95% that was easy to give Him. He asked me if I was willing to FULLY trust Him… like the kind of trust that strips ALL of my control, not the kind of trust that leaves me still capable of controlling outcomes in the event that He doesn’t respond. He asked me if I was willing to step into a place that stripped me of all control and comfort… no matter what it cost me. After a few months, I finally responded to those questions with “yes”. I looked into a few options, talked to lots of people, and landed on World Race.

Again, if you want to actually know details, check out my first blog!